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Happy Halloween

30 Oct 2020

"On Halloween night when the moon is high and all the children have gone to sleep the witches come out to collect all the leftover candy the children didn't take. This little witch got lucky and found a full bowl of candy at her first door, it was like it was served just for her. Before going back home she takes a moment and sits at the people empty graveyard to inspect the candy and taste them. Normally she get the candy no one likes but this year they were all good ones!"


My entry for Halloween contest for Escape Motions
This was my first artwork done in Rebelle 3 so I was learning on the go, I really love the watercolour effects, the program is amazing and what it can do.
I did have alot of struggles though, program crashed on me alot. Using the selection tool was impossible crashed every time and contrast window created problems as well with deleting/merging the layer to nothing. Had to restart many times and in the end I just learned I have to save manually every 5 min cause autosave didn't really work for me either. It really use alot of memory to the point I almost bought new ram sticks. Hopefully I will have better luck in my next watercolour painting cause I really like Rebelle so far!

Happy Halloween by Caroline Nyman

Tools: Rebelle 3, Xp-pen artist 15.6 pro

Progress pics:

Happy Halloween progress

full metal kid

23 Jul 2020

Full metal kid by Caroline Nyman

Fanart of a full metal kid from the game Rust

Tools: Easy Paint Tool Sai 2, XP-PEN Artist 15.6 Pro

Progress pics:

Full metal kid by Caroline Nyman

Roadsign kid

22 Jul 2020

Road sign kid by Caroline Nyman

Fanart of a road sign kid from the game Rust

Tools: Easy Paint Tool Sai 2, XP-PEN Artist 15.6 Pro

Progress pics:

Road sign kid by Caroline Nyman


21 Jul 2020

Wolfhead by Caroline Nyman

My second take on drawing Rust fanart, this time in leather welfare gear.

Tools: Easy Paint Tool Sai 2, Xp-pen artist 15.6 pro

Progress pics:

Wolfhead by Caroline Nyman

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